Reduction of swath data

Given a swath and a cartesian grid or grid lons and lats, pyresample can reduce the swath data to only the relevant part covering the grid area. The reduction is coarse in order not to risk removing relevant data.

From data_reduce the function swath_from_lonlat_grid can be used to reduce the swath data set to the area covering the lon lat grid

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyresample import geometry, data_reduce
>>> area_def = geometry.AreaDefinition('areaD', 'Europe (3km, HRV, VTC)', 'areaD',
...                                {'a': '6378144.0', 'b': '6356759.0',
...                                 'lat_0': '50.00', 'lat_ts': '50.00',
...                                 'lon_0': '8.00', 'proj': 'stere'},
...                                800, 800,
...                                [-1370912.72, -909968.64,
...                                 1029087.28, 1490031.36])
>>> data = np.fromfunction(lambda y, x: y*x, (50, 10))
>>> lons = np.fromfunction(lambda y, x: 3 + x, (50, 10))
>>> lats = np.fromfunction(lambda y, x: 75 - y, (50, 10))
>>> grid_lons, grid_lats = area_def.get_lonlats()
>>> reduced_lons, reduced_lats, reduced_data = \
...                            data_reduce.swath_from_lonlat_grid(grid_lons, grid_lats,
...                            lons, lats, data,
...                            radius_of_influence=3000)

radius_of_influence is used to calculate a buffer zone around the grid where swath data points are not reduced.

The function get_valid_index_from_lonlat_grid returns a boolean array of same size as the swath indicating the relevant swath data points compared to the grid

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyresample import geometry, data_reduce
>>> area_def = geometry.AreaDefinition('areaD', 'Europe (3km, HRV, VTC)', 'areaD',
...                                {'a': '6378144.0', 'b': '6356759.0',
...                                 'lat_0': '50.00', 'lat_ts': '50.00',
...                                 'lon_0': '8.00', 'proj': 'stere'},
...                                800, 800,
...                                [-1370912.72, -909968.64,
...                                 1029087.28, 1490031.36])
>>> data = np.fromfunction(lambda y, x: y*x, (50, 10))
>>> lons = np.fromfunction(lambda y, x: 3 + x, (50, 10))
>>> lats = np.fromfunction(lambda y, x: 75 - y, (50, 10))
>>> grid_lons, grid_lats = area_def.get_lonlats()
>>> valid_index = data_reduce.get_valid_index_from_lonlat_grid(grid_lons, grid_lats,
...                                            lons, lats,
...                                            radius_of_influence=3000)